Germany from the Holy Roman Empire
Emperor - Date
843 Louis the German
876 Louis II & Charles the fat & Carloman
887 Arnulf
899 Louis IV Das Kind (Child)
911 Conrad
918 Henry I The Fowler
936 Otto the great
973 Otto II
983 Teophano
991 Adelheid
995 Otto III
1002 Henry II
1024 Conrad II
1039 Henry III
1056 Henry IV
1106 Henry V
1125 Lothair II (The Saxon)
1138 Conrad III
1152 Fredrick I Barbarossa
1190 Henry VI
1197 Philip of Swabia
1208 Otto IV
1212 Fredrick II Hohenstauffen
1250 Conrad IV
1254 William of Holland
1256 Richard of Cornwall / Alfonso X of Castile
1273 Rudolf of Habsburg
1291 Adolf of Nassau
1298 Albert I
1308 Henry VII
1314 Louis of Bavaria
1347 Charles IV
1378 Wenceslas
1400 Rupert
1412 Sigismund
1437 Albert II
1439 Fredrick III
1493 Maximilian I
1519 Charles V
German states split the Holy Roman Empire
is a name only with little power.
1556 Ferdinand
1564 Maximilian II
1576 Rudlof II
1612 Matthias
1619 Ferdinand II
1637 Ferdinand III
1658 Leopold I
1705 Joseph I
1711 Charles VI
1742 Charles VII
1745 Francis
1765 Joseph II
1790 Leopold II
1792-1806 Francis II
Napoleon Bonaparte
dissolves the Holy Roman Empire
1871 Wilhelm I
1888 Fredrick III
1890-1918 Wilhelm II
1933 Adolf Hitler
becomes Leader' of Germany
1939 World War Two
World Peace Notes:- Adolf Hitler
Germany history notes
1. 1000BC to Saxons
2. 12th Century to Adolf Hitler
3. Emperors
Germany history notes