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The British East India Company:-

Mr Robert Clive (Clive Of India) 1725-1774

Robert Clive (Clive Of India)

After the fall of Madras clerk Robert Clive and a friend escaped the city by dressing as Indian citizens. They made their way through hostile French and allied Indian lines and travelled to British East India Company occupied Fort Saint David, that was a hundred odd miles from Madras itself.

Here Robert Clive started his military career by helping defend the Fort against determined French attacks. His courage was recognised by the British East India Company's Fort commander (Major Lawrence) and he was enlisted in the East India Company army.

Robert Clive became quite famous for his daring in the following years of conflict with the French and their allied Indian troops, where Clive always lead from the front and risked his life regularly to become victorious in battle.
Clive was instrumental in the defeat of The French East India Company's army along with it's allied Indian forces, and had managed to aid a pro British Prince Muhammad Ali (rival of pro French Price Chunda-Sahib) to overthrow his adversary and receive the title of Nabob of Carnatic.

Clive’s ability to defeat these overwhelming forces led him to become somewhat of a hero within Great Britain Itself, when he returned there in 1752 he attained the proud' nickname of Clive Of India' and the King gave him the title of Lieutenant Colonel. For his unsuccessful part, Robert Clive’s opponent Governor Joseph Francois Dupleix returned to France in defeat and disgrace.

There were to be turbulent times ahead for Mr Robert Clive and Great Britain itself. After squandering both his fortune made from provisioning supplies for the East India Company Troops, and all his inheritance monies, Clive returned to India during the Seven Years War of 1756-1763 to be placed in charge of two regiments of British regular troops.

On his arrival Robert Clive quickly avenged the 'Black Hole Of Calcutta' incident (where 146 men and women were incarcerated in a small cell and only 23 survived, their safety previously being assured by Surajah Dowlah Prince of Bengal of whose army had captured them during his successful attack on the British East India Company Fort William)

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India history notes

1. 2600BC to 1526AD
2. Empires
3. Important dates
4. British Raj
5. Clive of India
6. Political effects within Europe
7. India/Bangladesh/Pakistan

India history notes
Clive of India