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History of the China area and the Emperors Dynasty Chronology

Time periods & dynasty of the Emperors

3000-1500 B.C. Yangshao tribal culture gives way to Longshan tribal culture

(from which the first powerful and major Shang Emperor Dynasty eventually came)

2000-1500 B.C. Xia

1523-1030 B.C. Shang

1030-221 B.C. Western Zhou

770-221 B.C. Eastern Zhou

770-476 B.C. Spring and Autumn period

476-221 B.C. -- War of States period

221-206 B.C. Qin

206 B.C.-A.D. 9 Western Han

A.D. 9-24 Xin (Wang Mang interregnum)

A.D. 25-220 Eastern Han

A.D. 220-280 China Split into Three Kingdoms

220-265 -- Wei

221-263 -- Shu

229-280 -- Wu

A.D. 265-316 Western Jin

A.D. 317-420 Eastern Jin

North and South China Divisions.

A.D. 420-588 Southern Dynasties

420-478 -- Song

479-501 -- Qi

502-556 -- Liang

557-588 -- Chen

A.D. 386-588 Northern Dynasties

386-533 -- Northern Wei

534-549 -- Eastern Wei

535-557 -- Western Wei

550-577 -- Northern Qi

557-588 -- Northern Zhou

A.D. 581-618 Sui

A.D. 618-907 Tang

The Five Dynasties

907-923 -- Liang

923-936 -- Tang

936-946 -- Jin

47-950 -- Han

951-960 -- Zhou

Ten Kingdoms (Non United States) A.D. 907-979

The Song Dynasties

960-1127 -- Northern Song

1127-1279 -- Southern Song

A.D. 916-1125 Liao

A.D. 1038-1227 Western Xia

A.D. 1115-1234 Jin

A.D. 1271-1368 Yuan

A.D. 1368-1644 Ming

A.D. 1644-1912 Manchu Qing

A.D. 1911-1949 Republic of China
(in mainland China, not including the island of non communist mainland citizens)

A.D. 1949 People's Republic of China

World Peace Notes:- 100 Years Communist Party of China (CPC)

China history notes

1. Early Days
2. Dynasty Chronology
3. Emperors

China history notes Emperors