Evolution of the Island of Britain and the UK

1. Kings and Queens of Britain
2. Anglo Saxon Crown to Hastings 1066
3. Kings and Queens Hanover to Windsor
4. The Tower of London
5. Westminster The House of Parliament
6. Sir Winston Churchill
7. Winston Churchill Cabinet War Rooms WW2
8. Sir Winston Churchill Top Secret Cabinet War Rooms WW2
9. The Duke of Wellington
10. Duke of Wellington 1769-1852
11. Admiral Horatio Nelson
12. Life of Admiral Horatio Nelson
13. Life of Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson 1758-1805
14. Field Marshal Bernard Law Montgomery
15. HMS Victory

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Wales remained Celtic lands after the invasion by Anglo Saxon tribes and by 500 AD An Irish tribe (the Scots) had settled in the far North of the British isle to Argyll forming the beginning of Scotland.
By 827 AD the first King of the unified Angeland' was crowned and by 843 BC the Scots and Picts tribes were united by Kenneth McAlpin to form a united Scotland.


1066 The battle of Hastings

Harold II son of the Earl of Wessex had sworn an oath of allegiance to Duke William of Normandy that William was the rightful king of England (Angleland) as the childless king Edward The Confessor had promised him the throne on his death. Backed by the royal counsel or Witan (who did not want a foreign ruler) Harold broke his oath and took the crown on the Kings death in January 1066. Duke William called upon Harold to honour his oath, and when this was refused William landed his army of around 9000 men unopposed at Pervensy near Beachy Head 28 September 1066.
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Post Anglo Saxon Crowns

Formation of the United Kingdom:-

827 King Egbert I is crowned the first King of a united ‘Angeland' (England)

Anglo Saxon Crown to 1066
The Battle of Hastings

839 -   Athelwulf

858 -   Athelbald

860 -   Athelbert

865 -   Athelred

871 -   Alfred

899 -   Edward the elder

924 -   Alfweared

924 -   Athelstan

939 -   Edmund I

946 -   Edred

955 -   Edwy

959 -   Edgar

975 -   Edward the martyr

978 -   Athelred II The evil counsil

1016 - Edmund II Ironside

1016 - Cnut

1035 - Harold I Harefoot

1040 - Harthacnut

1042 - Edward the confessor

1066 - Harold II


1066 - William 1

1087 - William II

1100 - Henry 1

1135 - Stephen


1154 - Henry II


1189 - Richard I

1199 - John


1485 - Henry VII

1509 - Henry VIII

1547 - Edward VI

1553 - Mary I

1558 - Elizabeth I


1603 - James I

1625 - Charles I

Oliver Cromwell

1649 - Commonwealth


1660 - Charles II

1685 - James II

1689 - William III and Mary II

1702 - Anne

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1216 - Henry III

1272 - Edward I

1307 - Edward II

1327 - Edward III

1377 - Richard II


1399 - Henry IV

1413 - Henry V

1422 - Henry VI

1461 - Edward IV

1483 - Edward V
1483 - Richard III

Anglo Saxon Crown
 to Hastings 1066

united kingdom flag